Still alive! Moved to north Philly, made plans to hook up with my ex soon
I wish I could wear my Metallica shirt to work
Brain running one thought on repeat “laaa di da dah I love to drink his spit”
The most incredible thing about guys is probably that I can fit my hand inside of them
I’m so glad there’s an entire app dedicated to meeting boys to have sex with !! !! !!! I love boys 🤩🤩🤩
Don’t get high(er than usual) and use the Internet
Yo,, I heard they met at a quidditch party @ SUNY New Paltz 😂😂😂😂😂👁👁👁👁 CRIIIIINGEEE
Yo,, I heard they met at a quidditch party @ SUNY New Paltz 😂😂😂😂😂👁👁👁👁 CRIIIIINGEEE
Being a person who has a history of addiction, and also having a mental illness that weed is decently effective in managing feels tricky
When the first two ppl to liek a tweet you make probably have each other blocked
When the poly drama makes u lose the plug……couldn’t be me
Got punched in the head walking from work to the train so that Fucking Rules lmfoa
Cried on video call with my boyfriend for a little, after I got home from work. Lately I’ve been crying more often than I’d like to be, but zooming out I am really doing decently, working, and putting myself in position to make the moves I need to when I need to.
Realizing that part of my joint pain in my hand might b caused by fisting like alllllll the time lmfoa ! The huge pump bottle of lube is incredibly convenient tho, entirely worth how spenny it was
Days off go by so much quicker than working days…..
Cried at this new job for the first time today
Just tasted my own breast milk, it fucks
Wiffle ball yesterday got me SORE
Got my flu shot yesterday, go gt yours ifyr reading this
Lonely today
Really early into reading the markdown formatting tutorial, I got distracted, and never actually went back to it, instead choosing to use this as secret Twitter where no one can talk back. Maybe I will learn more of the features and push out some more powerful thoughts
I’m still gonna talk about cock on here 😌
Interviewer said where do you see yrself in 5 years
I said: surrounded by friends living a life full of love
She said: I like that
If ur reading this pierce yr own ear I dare yaaaa
Wait are there str8 ppl here now?
Lol the webring blew up that’s sick
Diary entry/feelings journal/vant
I feel “”crazy”” !!! As in: I cry every day and I am struggling to forgive myself for things that happened long ago and not so long ago.on Friday I am Interviewing for a job I’ll most likely get, that means I have to very quickly get used to being around strangers for extended periods of time again
, not being able to eat or drink or Piss immediately whenever I realize I have to
Not being able to cry whenever I want to, or text my loved ones whenever I want to. It should keep my rent and bills paid, and force me to cut down on weed which is cool, but I don’t know I’m really nervous right now
There’s this person on Grindr who’s very hot ! Caught the fuck out of my eye !
Yet I have become accustomed to passivity and not pushing actively for much new connection lately. Where does that leave me?
caught between desire and inertia
(body at rest tends to stay at rest/////
homebody faggot with steady rotation of lovers
during a pandemic tends not to expend effort to connect with new people//////// even if they are strikingly handsome 33 year olds)
Is it dry snitching if she’s dead🤭
I said I was gonna finish my feet tattoos this week and I only have 4 and a half hours left
I should probably start
Moods consistently inconsistent
I changed my time on the app that tells me to take my meds to 8PM cuz I’ve been going to bed so early that last night I was asleep before the reminder to take them dinged
Emotional and anxious as hell 🧸🥲
I’m glad I never tried to take music, or my music education extremely seriously, it seems really painful sometimes
mdma IS real good glad someone said it
What’s your favorite way to get the message out?
Love clicking down each page in the webring and seeing what folks are up to ^_^
My friend Juxi sent me a link to the book TRUST ONLY YOUR FISTS by Frog Industrial Concern. The link was frogindustrialconcern(dot)itch(dot)io and the book was good! Only took a few minnits to read so you should check it out if you like delicious descriptions of seismically large cumshots of divine proportions
When I was on acid I thought Jupiter was falling apart, because one of her scutes on her plastron was rlllllllly loose like barely hanging on by the edge, and yesterday or today it came off and it’s such a big chunk and I’m so proud of her for shedding and growing I love her so so so so so much
Hanging out online with my pals :)
Kreayshawn dropped a tape in April and I somehow just found out,,,, go listen to World’s Biggest Idiot
Going to a beautiful faggot’s house to suck his cock
Forgot what I wanted to type before I logged in
Really antsy bored can’t sleep drank coffee wanna give someone head for a good long time and then fall asleep tangled up in their arms n hair n stuff
My god, the smell of his hair ❤️🔥
You said that the movement
of your hand to mine
while we were laying on my bed
could be described as a risk that ended up high reward.
I feel the same about the last step you have to take to leap off the rock at devil’s pool.
Every step you take up the hill and across the Boulder is easy and visually stimulating.
I have to wait for all the boys on the rock to jump, and goad their friends to jump,
before I take my own place on the little natural ledge worn into the rock overlooking the water.
When I do, I know that my next step is the one that will put me prone at the bottom of the creek,
for the brief seconds it takes for my body to adjust to the new situation and swim towards the surface.
The space between deciding to do something
and getting it done
sometimes feels insurmountable.
But when hearts and hands
of freaks and fags
are resolved to act and bravely
Possibilities bloom into reality
And nothing is out of reach.
The beautiful thing about jumping off the rock
is that you only have to make your body do it once
and it only takes a second.
(The beautiful thing about holding your hand
is that we can do it whenever we’re close enuf to touch)
the beautiful thing about throwing the bomb is that it doesn’t matter who actually did it
If feds want anarchists to show up for our trials,,,,,,they should stop snatching us out of courthouses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve never written a fanfic but if I I did it would be degrassi: next class. I would pretend it didn’t get canceled, and explore the lives of Lola and Miles, and Saad. All of Lola’s løve interests are really rounded out characters for the most part. I also love how the Hollingsworth mansion, for all of the rage its walls have witnessed, functions as a space that all sorts of characters who have beef with each other can pass thru, because of the varied and disparate social connections of the siblings. Miles seeing his ex and his main boy enemy because they are both there on a date with his younger sister is a situation ripe for all sorts of emotion/humor, and they don’t even do anything with it on the show !!!
Finished Detransition, Baby last night,,,it made me cry a lot. Still feeling sick, but hopefully I will live
Watching hairspray
Absolutely fuckin hotboxing my wife’s whip listening to Jake’s cover of Joe Hill
Eleven eleven make a wish
I was grumbling about a pain in my chest and Charlie took me thru a breathing exercise that made it go away instantly<3 they said breathe in as deeply as you can thru the nose and then some more, then push the air out all the way passed the point you cough, and then let the next breath rush in and fill your lungs. It was at the point of the second inhale, that I felt the muscles in my chest relax and the pain melt away. I teared up about how good it felt, and then talked to Charlie about why don’t more people pair therapy with somatic work?
I really like this little page bc it’s like the internet but just for people I like......private Twitter on super private <~~~3 if you can see this It’s cause yr a cool faggot
I bet I would find it fulfilling to get more in the weeds with respect to the plaintext coding stuff
I wish I could give everyone on this little slice of the internet a book filled to the brim with my feelings and thoughts about everything ~~~~~~🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
My roommate’s date has been here for 24 hours that’s so fun~
Want to steal beautiful dresses from the store
Eating a salad I had in the fridge with ginger dressing, listening to music (if I had a better memory I would have linked the song imm listening to a cover of here) about to take a shower. My boyfriend is going to pick me up at some point and we will do what we do when it’s nice out
Which is to say, we are gonna do everything !
I quit cigs and now my voice is strong and clear and well-supported ! Wtffff <3 I really opened up while playing piano earlier it was beauuuutiful<3
Hi ! I’m on molly with my roommate and we are eating beautiful wedges of Brie cheese with pita chips and honey !!!!! I am smiling a lot we are 36 minnits in and I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many beautiful fags !!!!!!!!!!! All the time !!!!!! Miss the far away ones tho
Made stuffed long hot peppers,,,,,,and I ate a lot of them and feel very full but also salivating bc spicy!!!!!<3 <3 if you were my friend and I were cooking for you while you were setting down your stuff and telling me about your day, what would you ask me to make? Text me if ur a real one or email if ur beautiful & mysterious
Broke my paddle and my crop tonight 🥰
I didn’t die. I got the piece I needed for the jewelry and the swelling went considerably down. I am feeling beautiful today, would like to share that with the world. I am wearing a black dress with orange and white flowers on it, it is a scoop neck design, cinched at the waist and then swishing and flowing all the way towards the floor. No pockets ☹️ But I am comfortable and mobile
I’m feeling hot (temperature) and irrationally scared I’m gonna die bc the piercing in my neck is gonna get infected (it’s missing a threaded end piece, and keeps sinking below the skin) and spread to my brain and kill me tonight
The feeling of relief from plunging my hand into ice water is almost entirely worth destroying my hand
Accidentally while making pierogis and sobbed for a long time from the pain. It doesn’t hurt if I keep it in a bath ice water that has aloe in it
My roommate mentioned a boy I love and I immediately blushed deeply and my eyes filled with tears
Forgot what I wanted to say
Listening to Carly Rae Jepsen’s 2008 album Tug Of War while my roommate sleeps next to me on the couch.
love grows thru action taken in concert with others against common enemies
being brave is easy when you want to impress someone
even the game of chess is about killing kings
Big hatred to all old ghosts may they be violently laid to rest forever in jersey fuck you/amen
Also thinking abt how I wish I could speak freely on my private Twitter but even among that small number of followers, certain topics feel verboten? would have written in my notebook but that hurts my wrist!
Twitter has been where I live online since 2012, and the only times Twitter makes me feel particularly joyous is when I’m on the account dedicated to degrassi. When I got doxxed I made all my shit private, although I think most of my accounts are decently abstracted from my government name-I’m excited to see where this goes,
hosted on theme by evy. check out the thoughts webring!